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February 15th, 2024
New Discovery
Two new Spodumene occurences
During the summer 2023 Summer campaign, AM Resources and their team of spodumene pegmatite specialists have identied two new occurences of Spodumene, never registered previously. Additionally, the company has comfirmed occurences of Graphite, Tunsgten and Iron.
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Meet the team

Julien Desrosiers,
CEO Edelweiss Resources
100% owned by AM Resources
Julien Desrosiers is a financial risk analyst, originally from Quebec and now based in Vienna. In his early career, Julien studied chemistry at UdeMontreal and then mining management as graduate studies at UQAT. He is a also a certified diamond driller from CFP Val d'Or and operated diamond drill rigs in North America, before moving to Europe. He then acted as a financial analyst for the leading bank-independent investment houses in Germany focusing on the fundamental analysis of metal and mining securities.

David Grondin,
CEO AM Resources
David has worked in the financial and mining sectors for over 20 years. He has been President and CEO of the Company since December 2011 and is a director of AM Resources. He was President and CEO of NQ Exploration Inc. from October 2007 to May 2018. He also acted as a financial analyst for CTI Capital Inc. from 1997 to 2000. Mr. Grondin has a bachelor degree in business administration (finance) from HEC Montréal and experience in initial public offerings, mergers and acquisitions and reverse takeovers.
Next 12 months Roadmap
Planification of 2024 summer campaign for Sankt Rad, East Wolf and Legend properties
Archives works. Gather additioanal historical information on land package.
Execute summer campaign. Mapping, Structuring, exploration, sampling.
Contact Us
Appologasse 4/7
Vienna, Autriche, 1070
Firmen Buch: FN 606205 d
UAT: ATU79706524
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